Fèis nan Deugairean: Còmhlan Adhartach
Fèis nan Deugairean's brand new 'Còmhlan Adhartach' is a brilliant opportunity for our senior pupils experienced in traditional music and Gaelic song to further advance their musicianship. It aims to build their independence and confidence in creating their own music, and learn new skills, while working with their peers. As our senior pupils increase independence, their work for Fèis nan Deugairean can be flexible to fit around exam and prelim schedules.
The pupils will get to attend 2 Celtic Connections concerts as part of Fèis nan Deugairean. On top of that, a recording opportunity will give them experience working in a professional recording studio, to build familiarity with the enviroment and develop their professional skills. Dates for the concerts and recording day will be confirmed in due course. Dates for the weekend and afterschool classes can be found below.
Fèis nan Deugairean Weekend (more info to come)
January - Fri 17th, Sat 18th, Sun 19th
Afterschool sessions (Tuesdays at 15:30 - 16:45)
January - 14th, 21st, 28th
February - 4th, 11th
Cost per child £50
Please note: We work hard to keep access open to all young people and are fortunate to secure public funding to support our events. Places at our events are subsidised wherever possible with the true cost of each place being much higher. We have a limited number of fully funded places at our events for pupils entitled to free school meals or for families on low incomes. Please contact us directly at feisghaidhligghlaschu@gmail.com if you would like to discuss a fully funded or subsidised place.